The Little Buddha on Energy
The Little Buddha on Energy
January 15, 2015
The Little Buddha On Love
The Little Buddha On Love
January 22, 2015

The Little Buddha is Born

The Little Buddha is Born

The Little Buddha was conceived at the end of December, 2007.

Artist Pietro Salera was visiting from Rome during that holiday season. I had been given a gift of a small Zen easel, designed to draw upon using a brush dipped in water, and then evaporate a moment later.

The point being to enjoy the momentary image and to release it.

When Pietro drew the first ‘Little Buddha’ image, I was captivated by it.

Though it was just a first draft of the character, I fell in love with the ‘Little Buddha”. I knew that he held special significance for me and I asked Pietro to draw the buddha again….then a third time.

Finally he drew the Little Buddha on paper so that I could have the image in a more permanent form (and he could stop drawing repetitively)!

I could not stop thinking about Little Buddha and what I could do to introduce him to the world.  Though Buddha is such an iconic and known figure, this Little Buddha had his own message. I just did not know what that would be.

When I went to sleep that night, Little Buddha was on my mind. I awoke at about 3:00 AM and realized that The Little Buddha was a book.  Little Buddha would be the main character of the story.

It would be a story of Light, Love and enlightenment and he would bring happiness and acceptance to those who were in need of this.

By morning, I had completed the story. The Little Buddha was born.

It was a long six year process to bring the completed and illustrated ‘Little Buddha’ book to fruition. With the help of Pietro Salera and Jessica Csanky, the Little Buddha was brought to life and his colorful journey can finally begin.

I hope that you enjoy this story of Love and Light.

Thank you for sharing in our journey.

Susan Dishell
The Little Buddha Book Author

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